Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Update for Memorial Day Weekend

All the boys are doing very well today. We are so lucky that they are all breathing on their own and feeding on tubes. Blake had a hard time as of last Friday with his feedings by getting to much air in his tummy. The doctors decided to take him off the formula for a few days to give his tummy time to rest. After having several days of iv and fatty lipids he was ready to start soy based formula yesterday. They slowly increased his feedings and he is back up to full feedings. Carter and Austin are at full feedings and doing well. The nurses check every three hours to see if there are any residuals left before they continue on with the next feeding.

We are off to the hospital everyday for a few hours to see our boys until they are able to come home. I am getting back to normal with each day and grateful the doctor released me today to start driving again!!!! It is simple things like some freedom to make your day. I still need to take it easy over the next four weeks, but have more options now. James is managing the house hold and working full time still. We are very lucky he has done such a wonderful job with everything while I have been out of commission for sometime. Madyson is hanging in there with being able to only see her brothers through the NICU window about once a week. She is so sweet that she wrote a card for them today to come home soon. She was so excited because James and I were able to take her to the movies over the weekend. Madyson will truly be a great big sister!!!!