Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Recap of August

Oh my goodness have we been a busy bunch of Hughes' this past month. Sorry it has taken me so long to update everyone, but you will understand once you hear about our past month. First we started off with a great trip to San Diego with Nonna (my mom.) She was so kind as to let us go to the condo in Pacific Beach with her for a week. This was very daring on our part because we took the entire family. Yes this included the triplets. It only took two cars, three car seats, one triple stroller, one pack and play, one swing, one bouncer, one case of formula, one case of water, twenty four bottles, nine pacifiers, three sleep positioners, three boppies, two diaper bags, two hundred forty-two diapers, two bags of wipes, fifteen outfits, one bath tub, three babies, and this doesn't even count anything for Madyson or us. Needless to say we survived and we had a great time. We also realized it is possible to travel with triplets.

Next we have been getting ready for school going back in September. My old school has moved to a new location in Irvine and is brand new. While this is wonderful there is a ton of unpacking and reorganizing going on with the move. I am also sharing a contract this year to work part-time, so that I can be home with the boys a few days a week. So while we have been getting ready for school, we also interviewed for a nanny to watch the boys. We had a few glitches, but now have found a wonderful lady to watch the boys the days I am working. James has been super busy with work and coaching Madyson's soccer team again this year. He is so proud of his Purple Cheetahs. There first game is this Saturday and the girls can't wait. Madyson starts school on Thursday, September 10th and will be in 1st grade. It is hard to believe she is already in 1st grade and will be turning 7 in September. The boys will also be 4 months old on the 10th of September.

They are definitely each developing their personalities and becoming individuals. Austin is the one that wants attention and wants it now. If he starts to cry it is because he wants to be held. The only problem is I don't think he knows that he is a triplet. Being held all the time may not work all the time. We do our best to give them each cuddle time. Blake is Mr. Mellow. He will just hang out and watch things and take in everything around him. He will definitely be the calm one of the group. Then there is Carter the gentle giant as my mom calls him. He is an efficient eater and goes right back to sleep after he eats. He very rarely crys unless you are not making his bottle fast enough. All of the boys are becoming very interactive and laughing and making cute baby noises all the time. They are so much fun and such awesome babies.

More to come in September!!!