Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Our family had a great 4th of July that started with a broken refrigerator that had to be fixed of course. With three babies in the house being without a fridge is not an option. It was fun that Madyson, my mom, and I got to go to the HB parade. Thanks to Papa, Nana, and Daddy watching the boys for a little bit. We then finished the day with a nice family bbq at our house. These days most everyone comes over to our house since it is not as easy for us to get the whole gang out.

Many of you have asked how are household has changed since the boys arrived. Here are a few pictures of just the bottles, formula, and dishwasher at our house now. Let's just say I spend most of my time in the kitchen!!!!

Sometimes two of the babies need to comforted at the same time. This is one of the joys and crazy times of having multiples!!!!

Happy Father's Day to James with his first father's day with four children. Here are the boys with their Daddy.