Monday, May 31, 2010

Hello Again from the Hughes Gang!

With summer upon us the boys broke out their water table over this beautiful Memorial Day weekend. As you can tell they are having the best time!

Madyson has been doing a great job in first grade with only 15 more school days left this year. She has grown so much in her reading, writing, and math. Last month she won an award at school for awesome Citizenship. She was honored at the school awards assembly. Way to go Madyson!

The boys got a choo-choo wagon for their birthday. It is great we use it all the time.

The triplets turned one on the 10th of May. It is hard to believe that we survived the first year. We are so lucky and the boys are so super healthy. The weights are amazing. At birth the boys were as follows:

  • Austin 3 lbs. 2 oz.
  • Blake 3 lbs. 130z.
  • Carter 3 lbs. 9oz.

At their one year check up they have grown so well:

  • Austin 19 lbs. 2oz.
  • Blake 21 lbs. 6oz.
  • Carter 23 lbs. 2 oz.

The have not eaten us out of house and home yet, but they are all ready to start regular milk and food. Thank you food gods! Costco has become our weekly shopping spot and the regular grocery store is a rare visit.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 2010

Look we can all sit up.
(Austin, Blake, & Carter) 9 months




Madyson's Olden Days outfit!

So sorry for not updating this in so long. We have had a busy few months in the Hughes house hold. First thing was we sold our home in Irvine in December and bought a new house in Foothill Ranch. Moving a family of 6 and living with family for a few weeks in between can keep you busy. Not to mention we celebrated Christmas, New Years, my birthday, and the boys had their first colds during this time. Let's just say life was even busier than normal if that is possible.

Madyson-We have been our new house for about three months now and are pretty settled in now. Madyson has already made a new best friend with our neighbor that has a window directly across for hers. We have found them talking through the windows about play dates, etc. She is so lucky to already have new friends. Not that this is a shock to anyone. She has also started softball again and is pitching this year. Of course James is coaching and keeps our entire family very busy. She only has a few more months of first grade and is reading like a champ. We are so proud of the great job she does in school and being the best big sister ever.

Triplets-Well let's just say there have been many changes for the boys over the past few month. They just turned 10 months last week. All eating us out of house and home. Finally eating about two meals a day of baby food and formula. We can't wait until they can drink regular milk. They are all still growing leaps and bounds. Austin is 18 lbs, Blake is 20 lbs, and Carter is 22 lbs. 8 oz. The funny thing is that Carter is still the tank, but Blake eats the best with the regular food.

There little personalities are forming left and right. The boys are in playgroups with other sets of multiples and even went to one of their friends first birthday parties last month. I have joined Stroller Strides, which allows mommy to get some type of workout in with the boys included. It is also a fun way for the boys to get to know their Foothill Ranch neighbors. Blake is crawling all over the place and pulling himself up on everything. Carter likes to do the backward crawl. Austin is up on all fours ready to move somewhere. No one has any teeth yet, but I am sure they will be showing up soon. Baby jail is a life saver to me, since I would not be able to put the boys down anywhere with out it. We get a little more adventurous each week with new outings and exploring.

Our family is doing well and glad to say we have almost survived the first year of triplets. Madyson is a great big sister. The grandparents help in more ways then we can ever know. James and I are hanging in there and enjoying this journey together. Oh yes Maui is still here and loves her new huge backyard. She does get to join in on walks from time to time. Wishing everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!